Kerala Police have issued a lookout notice for actor KR Jayachandran, also known as Kootickal Jayachandran, who is on the run in connection with a POCSO case. The actor is accused of raping a ...
Dominic and The Ladies Purse movie review: Director Gautham Menon's Dominic and The Ladies' Purse, starring Mammootty, Gokul ...
Mammootty's Dominic And The Ladies' Purse has arrived at the Indian box office today, and it aims for a decent day 1 collection.
Dubai: South Indian actor Asif Ali is on a roll. After impressing up with his emotionally-charged performance in suspense ...
Take a look at the box office performance of the Asif Ali starrer mystery thriller film Rekhachithram on its 14th day.
Malayalam legend Mammoottys latest mystery-comedy Dominic And The Ladies Purse meets expectation on the opening day.
Gautham Vasudev Menon's movies have always been praised for being rooted, yet commercial, putting stress on a layered ...
Malayalam actor KR Jayachandran is in the news due to rape allegations. Kerala police are searching for him as he fled after ...
Dominic and the Ladies Purse, a Malayalam mystery thriller starring Mammootty, directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon, releases on ...