The Deepinder Goyal-led company made gains of 1.76 per cent or Rs 3.80. This took the overall of the Zomato shares to Rs 220.25 per piece. When we look the shares of Swiggy, the gains made in the ...
Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel on Wednesday attended the 'Ram Ratri' event in Ahmedabad to commemorate the first anniversary of the Pran Pratishtha Mahotsav of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. The ...
After the white-ball era of 'Bazball' began with a shambolic performance at Eden Gardens, England captain Jos Buttler iterated the stance of his team that wants to become "aggressive" and "watchable".
The Coldplay magic is all set to move from the city of Mumbai to another Western India city, Ahmedabad. While prices of ...