Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro signed off on a decree that gives the government extraordinary powers to respond to a ...
La declaratoria se debe a que la guerrilla del ELN ha aumentado los ataques y hostilidades contra los civiles ...
Colombia’s president has issued a decree giving him emergency powers to restore order in a coca-growing region bordering ...
The mountains of Catatumbo in eastern Colombia are so dangerous that the police and army generally don’t stray far from their ...
Las décadas de conflicto, la débil presencia del Estado y su ubicación estratégica convirtieron al Catatumbo en una región ...
Gaza: A ceasefire between Israel and Hamas has allowed residents of Gaza to return to their ruined homes and secured the ...
En un reciente informe, el periodista Daniel Coronell reveló que el Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), específicamente ...
"Las tropas del ELN salieron mayoritariamente de Arauca. Transitaron durante un mes hasta el Catatumbo, de civil. Buscan el ...
Both the ELN and FARC-EMC have long fought for control over this drug-rich area, but recent violence marks a significant ...
Presid​ent Trump, drunk with arrogance, decides, for no good reason, Cuba sponsors terrorism,” said the Cuban foreign minister Bruno Rodriguez.
En un comunicado emitido tras los ataques, Rodrigo Londoño, conocido como 'Timochenko' y último comandante de las extintas ...
Colombia called on neighboring Venezuela Thursday to help tackle guerrillas blamed for a week of bloody violence that has ...