A newly shared video showed suspects in the Allegheny Arms and Gun Works break-in shooting their way into the store.
South Allegheny coach Tony DiCenzo said his team has achieved a lot of firsts this year and he’s not wrong. But the ...
PennDOT. Here are some of the major projects you need to know about. The construction season is about to begin and there are major projects that drivers will encounter around the region.
PennDOT is scheduled to begin 57 projects in the Pittsburgh region this year. The projects will take place in District 11, ...
An extension event of the Eradicate Hate Global Summit was hosted for Pittsburgh area students at Acrisure Stadium.
A nostalgic ice cream parlor and deli said it will now be opening a storefront in the heart of Pittsburgh's Strip District ...
Democrats claimed a majority in the Pa. House and held a narrow lead in a Lancaster County state Senate district where the GOP has a strong advantage.