The film follows the Paiva family living a seemingly idyllic life in 1970s Rio de Janeiro, until one night there's a knock at ...
Music company says debut track, Til the Nights Done, is the first of many on the way under a label the young Trudeau co-founded It all began when Kengo Kurimoto, one of Britain’s most respected ...
Highlights include a spare reworking of the 1927 musical “Show Boat” and a surprisingly touching new piece by the shock ...
Playing the wife of a disappeared political prisoner, Torres exhibits the ways mothers must carry on after tragedy ...
In December 2023, Navalny was moved from a penal colony in the Vladimir region east of Moscow to one above the Arctic Circle, where he died on Feb. 16, 2024, at the age of 47 under still ...
Based on the real-life 1971 disappearance of Brazilian Congressman Rubens Paiva, the movie, directed by Walter Salles, is a profile of one family's resolve.
In December 2023, Navalny was moved from a penal colony in the Vladimir region east of Moscow to one above the Arctic Circle, where he died in February at the age of 47 under still-unexplained ...
Be it “Children of Men” or “The Master” or “Under the Skin,” it’s become abundantly clear that you can’t judge a movie by its gross. Below, Variety offers a selection of great ...
This post is updated regularly as movies leave and enter Netflix ... After triple-checking to make sure they’re still available, he watches each, organizes them by category, then writes ...
In December 2023, Navalny was moved from a penal colony in the Vladimir region east of Moscow to one above the Arctic Circle, where he died in February at the age of 47 under still-unexplained ...