gather some trivia questions for kids and enrich them with some fun facts. Exchanging facts and learning more about the world can sharpen your child’s memory and help them learn new things while ...
Bubblegum flavored broccoli, beefalo, and the most popular nut which is really not a nut; you’ll never believe these bizarre, interesting and fun facts. Imagine being able to write a letter or ...
Everyone has heard the story about how George Washington once received an ax as a gift, then proceeded to use it to chop down his father’s cherry tree. When his father came across the damaged ...
Fun Facts' is a party game with no winner and the only goal of letting you learn more about your friends and have a laugh.
So, she launched a podcast called “Trivia for Kids,” and it has listeners all over the world. “Hi everybody and welcome to this week’s episode of Trivia For Kids, the podcast I’m Kacie ...