Florida legislators convened their annual 60-day session and one of the very first bills they took up was Senate Bill 168 – the Tristin Murphy Act. It is a major development in the aftermath of our ...
There has been a major development in the aftermath of our CBS News Miami documentary "Warehoused: The Life and Death of ...
The Tristin Murphy Act This week Florida legislators convened their annual 60-day session and one of the very first bills they took up was Senate Bill 168 – the Tristin Murphy Act.
The "Tristin Murphy Act" was inspired by a man sent to prison for felony littering. Suffering from schizophrenia among other mental health challenges, Tristin took his own life during a work detail.
Cindee Murphy, whose son Tristin Murphy died in prison after being off his medication for a week, shared her heartache and her determination to fight for change. “I’m going to say it because ...
Senator Jennifer Bradley filed Senate Bill 168, the Tristin Murphy Act, which creates model processes for diverting defendants to mental health treatment. It will be discussed during the 2025 ...
CHARLOTTE COUNTY, Fla. (WWSB) - The Tristin Murphy Act has passed its first committee. The bill would expand mental health and diversion options within the state’s criminal justice system.
There is a bill going through the Florida Senate aimed at diverting defendants to mental health treatment. It's called the Tristin Murphy Act, in honor of a man who took his life in a Florida prison.
“Senator (Jennifer) Bradley is sponsoring the Tristin Murphy Act, critical mental health legislation, which creates model processes for diverting defendants into mental health treatmen ...