The show stars Gabriel Basso as Peter Sutherland, an FBI agent who has embarked on a new mission. Apart from Gabriel Bassor ...
Based on the novel by Matthew Quirk, The Night Agent ’s sophomore season followed Peter in the aftermath of a compromised Night Action mission, which resulted in the death of his partner, Alice ...
Agent season 2 follows Peter Sutherland who is now a Night Action agent. But, when his first mission goes wrong, he questions who he can trust while he fights to uncover the truth.
The second season of Netflix's The Night Agent introduces the viewers to the Bala crime family, the main antagonist of the unfolding story.
I've seen Jason Bateman take on countless roles on screen ... He told Entertainment Weekly, "Last night and the night before, my 15-year-old daughter and I sat and watched episode 1 and episode ...
The first season of Netflix’s explosive spy-thriller The Night Agent was a rollicking good time. It’s not the smartest spy show out there—not everything can be Slow Horses—but it makes up ...
The Night Agent has returned for season 2 and has already raced to the top of Netflix’s charts. It’s likely to stay there for a while, given that season 1 is the seventh most-watched English ...
Impact Link This weekend, you can watch action-packed thrillers, a movie about the first-ever episode of "Saturday Night Live," and the season three finale of Max's raunchy coming-of-age show "The ...
Warning: Spoilers ahead for season two of Netflix's "The Night Agent." "The Night Agent" is back after almost two years. The political thriller series stars Gabriel Basso as an FBI agent named ...
It's okay that "The Night Agent" season 2 is more of a B-movie caliber action series than a prestige drama. Frankly, it makes it more bingable. "The Night Agent" season 2 picks up 10 months after ...