The snail darter is not a thing. It was just a common perch, say scientists. Fraud or bad science? From David Mastio: ...
The release of water from the Walters Dam on Dec. 29 because of heavy rain in North Carolina led to flooding downstream in Hartford. The flood washed out some of the same roads damaged in Helene.
Scientists say the snail darter, whose endangered species status delayed the building of a dam in Tennessee in the 1970s, is ...
Any hope engineers had that Interstate 40 could reopen soon with one lane in each direction washed away this week as another large chunk of asphalt collapsed at the Tennessee-North Carolina border.
It's getting colder outside, but the decreased moisture in the air makes for better stargazing during upcoming meteor showers.
The Army Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation issued a joint notice in the Federal Register announcing a supplemental environmental impact statement for 14 dams on the Columbia River system.
Both identify breaching the lower Snake River Dams located in Washington as the greatest opportunity to restore salmon and steelhead populations in the basin. The 2020 study, known as the Columbia ...
For more than 60 years, PGE has run the three-dam Pelton-Round Butte hydroelectric complex, which sits about 50 river miles upstream of Maupin and cleaves the lower Deschutes from its tributaries.
On Sunday, SunWater issued a warning the Paradise Dam was spilling excess water into the Burnett River, although none of the downstream rivers were expected to break their banks. Water across ...
“Neyland North” is a reference to Tennessee’s own homefield, Neyland Stadium, named after legendary head coach Robert Neyland. CLICK HERE to go to PrizePicks and use code ON3 to receive a guaranteed ...
The study that looked at the 14 federal dams on the two rivers to measure their impact on salmon and steelhead concluded that breaching the four lower Snake River dams would help the fish but the ...
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