Welcome to the Iran Rial exchange rate & live currency converter page. The Iran Rial (IRR) exchange rates represented on this page are live, updated every minute within the forex market's trading ...
In 2022, the Government of Iran undertook a headcount of all undocumented Afghan nationals in Iran, including those who newly arrived in Iran following events in Afghanistan in 2021, through which ...
Q: What is the Dollar worth against the Iran Rial? A: One Dollar is worth 42100.7691 Iran Rial today Q: Is the Dollar going up or down against the Iran Rial? A: Today's exchange rate (42100.7691 ...
With so many heroes, you might think that a Fire Emblem Heroes tier list should be easy to determine - but given that all the heroes (okay - maybe not all, but most) are good for a specific task, then ...
The Iranian Navy chief visits the Russian and Chinese warships participating in a joint naval exercise involving Iran, Russia, and China. The commander of the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy says that ...