The story follows Rain Carradine, portrayed by Cailee Spaeny, an orphaned miner on the desolate planet LV-410. Facing the oppressive extension of her work contract by the Weyland-Yutani ...
Sideshow and Hot Toys have revealed the sixth scale Rain Carradine figure which is based on the likeness of Cailee Spaeny in Fede Alverez’s sci-fi horror Alien: Romulus.The collectible is ...
So it's sad that the world is consumed with speculation about actor David Carradine's sexual tastes because of the way he died—naked, in a Bangkok hotel-room wardrobe, with cords tied around his ...
Several of Lavin’s former TV and Broadway co-stars such as Ever Carradine and Catherine Paulson recalled what it was like to work with the veteran stage and TV actress known for her Emmy ...