This natural biological process is known to exist in just five species of toothed whale: short-finned pilot whales, false killer whales, killer whales, narwhals and beluga whales. The researchers ...
Previously, there had been reports of orcas in the region attacking a number of other species, including pantropical spotted dolphins, Bryde's whales and short-finned pilot whales—but predation ...
Previously, there had been reports of orcas in the region attacking a number of other species, including pantropical spotted dolphins, Bryde’s whales and short-finned pilot whales — but ...
According to the FIG Department of Natural Resources which collected samples from the pod, they were long finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas edwardii).
Project Jonah was called to reports of up to 30 pilot whales coming on-shore about 7pm Saturday. Local medics and the senior Project Jonah team stayed with the whales until last light. It was the ...
Trotter said plenty of volunteers were keeping the whales cool, with the aim to refloat the pod around high tide this afternoon. A pod of pilot whales was refloated several times in December.
Until I started working on getting a tailwheel endorsement, I somehow managed to never once land on an actual short or soft field. On my private pilot check ride, for instance, the examiner just ...