The residents of the Syrian village of Sharifa lay in puddles and rivulets of blood. . Most had been executed with shots to ...
Although far less cinematically prolific than other historical wars, the Crusades have still produced many great movies, from ...
The story ends with a massive battle in which Frank Castle is mind-wiped and displaced ... In the current era of Daredevil by writer Saladin Ahmed and artist Aaron Kuder have brought Matt Murdock ...
Making matters worse, Matt’s only hope comes in the form of Frank Castle, the psychotic Punisher ... that role when the current creative team, Saladin Ahmed and Luigi Zagaria, took the reigns ...
But gradually the tide turned in his favour: almost two years later, his forces besieged and captured a newly constructed castle at Jacob’s Ford, over the Jordan River. As momentum built, Saladin set ...
Have you ever wanted to run your own castle town? If so ... Relive the historic Crusades as Richard the Lionheart and the Saladin, Sultan of Syria. It won’t be easy, and you’ll need to ...
1193: Death of Saladin, first Sultan of Egypt and Syria and the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty. 1522: Anne Boleyn makes her debut at court at the Green Castle pageant. 1665: Charles II declares war on ...
Dive into Marvel's cosmic events and Doctor Aphra's new Star Wars series.
Katharine is Eurogamer's Former Managing Editor and primary spreadsheet keeper from 2024-2025. She headed up Eurogamer's reviews and feature sections, but could also be found occasionally writing ...