Rwanda-backed rebels are gaining ground in eastern Congo despite the unilateral ceasefire they declared earlier this week ...
Le Rwanda a salué dimanche un récent appel à organiser un sommet conjoint régional pour régler le conflit en cours en ...
A weakened Congolese military fought back against Rwanda-backed rebels who the U.N. said were moving fast into the South Kivu ...
For those living in Goma, which has been captured by Rwanda-backed rebels, there is little water, little food and much ...
Rwanda-backed rebels were expanding their presence in eastern Congo after capturing Goma, the region’s major city, the U.N. said Friday, also expressing concerns over ...
In 2012, when M23 rebels appeared poised to seize control of a major city in eastern Congo, western countries suspended aid to put pressure on Rwanda to withdraw its support ...
Le Royaume-Uni a condamné jeudi l'occupation de Goma et d'autres territoires de l'est de la République démocratique du Congo ...