WHEN Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume announced the reopening of Rufaro Stadium last year after four years of closure, there was an air of optimism among football stakeholders. An area that had been ...
The deceased were identified as Simbarashe Chimombe (23), Clemence Mucheri (36) from Buhera, and Pardon Ncube (23) from Zvishavane. Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) spokesperson for Midlands Province, ...
Putting lipstick on a pig - this old adage aptly summarises the superficial renovations carried out at Rufaro Stadium by the Harare City Council. Rufaro Stadium was reopened last year after years ...
Hyderabad, 1 Kurume 2025: Mugodhi mukuru wesimbi wekuIndia, NMDC yakashuma matani 4.62 miriyoni ekugadzirwa uye 3.98 miriyoni matani ekutengesa muna Kukadzi 2025. Ichi chigadzirwa chakawana kukura ...