Ancient Rome unfairly has a reputation for having stolen or copied their mythology and religious traditions from the Greeks ...
For centuries, the stark white marble statues of ancient Greece and Rome have stood as timeless symbols of classical beauty.
From viral memes to bestselling books, Hollywood blockbusters to history podcasts, the fascination with ancient Rome refuses ...
A weak and frail Pope Francis left the hospital Sunday after surviving a five-week, life-threatening bout of pneumonia, ...
Romulus and Remus were the legendary founders of Rome, but according to ancient records, they were originally Greek.
Nyx is the is the Ancient Greek goddess of the night.  Unlike her sister, Eos, the goddess of the Dawn, Nyx is a mysterious figure.
The tentative audience was among details of the British monarch’s visit to the Vatican and Italy released on Tuesday by ...
Patrick wrote in Latin, and signed his works “Patricius.” In some accounts of his life, Patrick was given the birth name ...
In it, Francis renewed his call for diplomacy and international organizations to find a “new vitality and credibility.” ...
The various levels of the Celestyal Crystal are named after Greek gods and goddesses; from Athena on deck 2 up to Zeus on ...