Recently declassified files have confirmed that the United States' Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) once operated secret ...
Rhodesian War (1964-1979) This is little remembered. Britain brokered an agreement in late 1979 whereby the Rhodesian government cut a deal with guerrilla leader Robert Mugabe and ultimately gave him ...
I do not usually review scholarly material or critique academic work, but I must make an exception for Takawira Chatambudza's ...
He initially worked as a case officer in Lusaka, Zambia, during the time of the Rhodesian Bush War. He was then transferred ... As per The Cinemaholic, in late 2002, Cofer Black was appointed ...
The Rhodesian system relied on centralized ... ostensibly for interviewing Blessed Gze, a war veteran and ZANU-PF senior official who has, of late, been very critical of Mnangagwa.
From ancient war dogs to breeds developed specifically for estate protection ... The German Shepherd was developed in the late 19th century by Captain Max von Stephanitz, who sought to create the ...
Accused by the Rhodesian Forces’ military intelligence of being a sell-out and an accomplice of liberation war fighters, Chipanga found himself ... dedicated to one of the most decorated liberation ...
Originating in Germany during the late 19th century, Dobermans were initially bred by ... Historically, their role in military work has been significant. During World War I, German Shepherds served as ...
As traditional puffin hunting declined, so did the breed’s purpose, and by World War II, only a few remained ... This unique feature is shared by only two other breeds—the Rhodesian Ridgeback and the ...
HISTORIANS examining the de-colonisation process have been disinclined to examine the motives and individual psychologies of the well-educated Europeans who attached themselves to African causes and ...
There have been periods, particularly in the late 1980s and early 1990s ... Hardliners within the security services sought to prevent a Rhodesian-style black-on-white revolutionary war by keeping ...