As American Heart Month comes to an end, a Henrico County family’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the life-saving potential of CPR.
A bystander and an Arlington medical crew are being honored for saving the life of a man who went into cardiac arrest while ...
In a collaborative effort between Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company (M.P. Transco), the Red Cross Society, and local district hospitals, training workshops on CPR and other life-saving techniq ...
She started the Red Cross Club at Newburyport High School, and their Heart Starters program provides free CPR training to restaurants in their community. "I've worked at restaurants in Newburyport ...
She started the Red Cross Club at Newburyport High School, and their Heart Starters program provides free CPR training to restaurants in their community. “I’ve worked at restaurants in ...
Learning CPR can double or triple survival rates. The American Red Cross of Western Colorado is raising awareness during ...
But Norberg's heartbreak motivated him to start a CPR company ... began training hundreds of Washingtonians on how to best respond in an emergency, becoming an official American Red Cross ...
Individuals can donate blood, volunteer or learn lifesaving skills such as CPR and how to use an AED. Blood donors will also ...