The Oklahoma City Fire Department has responded to over 600 wildfires this year and believe it or not, some of those started because of un-attended grills.
Wildfires have been burning for a week in WNC and South Carolina. Here's how to prepare for evacuation before it's necessary.
The veteran R&B group released 'That's the Way of the World' in March 1975. Here's why the album still matters.
If you need to evacuate to get out of the way of a wildfire, it will help to have a kit ready. The Institute for Business and Home Safety’s guide to preparing for wildfires says your evacuation kit ...
With a few notable areas where the orange and red tide receded, like the hills above Berkeley and Oakland, territory deemed “high” or “very high” hazard exploded across the state, increasing by 168% ...
Lots happening with the cards this week, buckle up!
By now your vegetable garden should be all planned out and seeds purchased, or at least ordered, as well as onion sets or ...
Edmonds Mayor Mike Rosen Thursday presented the second State of the City address of his administration to an estimated 75 ...
An off-duty Wallington firefighter put ... fire Wednesday afternoon. Robert Decker, a 20-year veteran of the Fire Department, was working at Wallington Plumbing Supply when the fire broke out ...
LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD/Gray News) - An explosion at a substation at Texas Tech University caused fire and smoke to billow out from manholes on campus, prompting school officials to evacuate ...