A Paterson police officer has drawn attention for wearing a Palestinian flag patch on his official uniform, raising questions ...
Critics say guidance on the recording of non crime hate incidents is ‘flawed’ with police without the resources ‘to monitor ...
Hundreds of demonstrators have marched through central London to mark Al Quds Day, a global event held each year to express ...
A Hamas flag flew on a pole outside a house in San Carlos for several days earlier this month, upsetting some Jewish ...
The green-and-white flag used by Hamas was once again flying outside a home in San Carlos on Thursday. But not without ...
The decision marks a remarkable endorsement of a plan once considered a far-right fantasy – and comes despite the prime ...
BOOM found that the video shows a solidarity protest in Pakistan where fake white bags were placed to represent war victims ...
Football's international governing body is a historic ally of the oppressor, refusing to sanction Israel despite the murder ...
Gal Gadot's Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony Tuesday was disrupted by pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli protests.
One result of such investigations was released two days ago in the form of the 7 October Parliamentary Commission Report, ...
As Israel resumes its genocidal campaign, wiping out entire Palestinian families, the world justifies the slaughter, ignores ...
Right before Gal Gadot’s Walk of Fame ceremony began late Tuesday morning, several dozen protesters stormed Hollywood ...