But they also bought works by unknown painters that would later be viewed as masterpieces, including early Cubist paintings by Picasso ... important works of his Rose Period.
Historians recently made an unexpected discovery while examining one of Pablo Picasso’s paintings: a portrait of a woman.
A captivating secret has emerged from one of Pablo Picasso’s most famous Blue Period paintings. Hidden beneath 'Portrait of Mateu Fernández de Soto' (1901) is an earlier painting of an ...
Conservators at The Courtauld Institute in London have discovered an image of a mystery woman hidden beneath one of Picasso’s most famous Blue Period paintings ... who quit the family business ...
When taking X-ray and infrared images of a "portrait depicting Picasso’s sculptor friend painted in 1901 and one of the earliest examples of the artist’s Blue Period," conservators at The ...
Emilia expects her teenage daughter to ditch the family tradition and carve her own career path. Speaking of Rose, whom she shares with filmmaker and peace campaigner Jeremy Gilley, Emilia ...
One of the earliest pieces from Pablo Picasso's iconic Blue Period has revealed an unexpected discovery: another figure beneath the surface. This finding provides further insight into the process ...
One of the earliest pieces from Pablo Picasso's iconic Blue Period has revealed an unexpected discovery: another figure beneath the surface. This finding provides further insight into the process of ...