Saturday, March 8 — Artwalk, Pomona: The monthly 2nd Saturday Downtown Pomona Artwalk runs from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. The night ...
A video of a family rehearsing a routine from The Greatest ... learned the dance routine to "From Now On," performed by the character P. T. Barnum (Hugh Jackman) during a crucial stage in his ...
Of course, what makes or breaks a movie musical are its songs. Whether they're electrifying dance numbers or emotional ...
Saturday, March 1 — Family movie and art ... The film, about the life of PT Barnum, starts at 6 p.m. and is rated PG. Lancaster Library 601 West Lancaster Blvd., Lancaster.
Director Chris Smith does not belabor the point, but he makes sure viewers are reminded every once in a while that almost all ...
It is the bane of historians and researchers: the centuries-old practice of using initials rather than full names. The system ...
C'mon, modern day PT Barnum, be better than that ... Does Claire Dunphy from "Modern Family" make the Rushmore of modern (say, 2000s) sitcom moms? Go and practice some kindness today.
Journalists accurately reported that the führer was a “Little Man” whom the whole world was laughing at. It didn’t matter.
In the 19th century, the showman P.T. Barnum featured little people in his ... other little people and their family members picked up the torch. Mascots Matter was formed.
‘Over The Rainbow’ - The Wizard Of Oz With Dorothy’s family farm cast in moody monochrome ... of the story of Victorian-era entrepreneur PT Barnum and his lavish plans for a fantastical ...