You can travel without a visa to the Schengen area, which includes Italy, for up to 90 days in any 180-day period. This ...
It did fit in perfectly though for Katie Mitham and Martin Harris of Stevenage Phoenix as they completed the Rome-Ostia Half Marathon ... The LDWA Chiltern Kanter is a map reading event ...
The ruins of an ancient Jewish ritual bath have been found near Rome – the oldest such discovery outside of the biblical ...
Archaeologists working at Ostia Antica, an ancient Roman port city, have discovered the oldest Jewish ritual bath outside of ...
This was particularly true in large and cosmopolitan cities such as Ostia, a port city just 19 miles (30 kilometers) west of Rome. Minister of Culture Alessandro Giuli said in the statement that ...
Discovered outside Rome, the bath, which is thought to be a mikvah, could be more than 1,600 years old. By Elisabetta Povoledo Reporting from Ostia Antica When Luigi Maria Caliò, a classical ...
Archaeologists near Rome uncovered an ancient Jewish structure used for ritual washing. Photos show the unique find for Italy ...
(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 10 - A unique ancient Jewish bathhouse or mikveh has been found at Rome's ancient port of Ostia Antica.
Objects discovered during the excavation include oil lamps decorated with the menorah (seven-branched lampstand) and the ...
According to Tim Jepson from The Telegraph, Ostia was rated the second-ugliest seaside town in Europe, just behind Monaco. “When I lived in Rome the temptation during broiling summers was to ...