If you spend any time hunched over your phone or your computer or constantly holding tension through your shoulders or jaw, ...
All over social media, people are using infrared sauna blankets at home in hopes of making health gains — but the trend gives ...
The structures most often irritated and inflamed with SIS are the rotator cuff muscles ... conditions and (4) neck and elbow disorders. Details were recorded about the patients' ages, sexes, ...
The patient needed to tripod sit and displayed tightness in the right sternocleidomastoid muscle, contributing to the torticollis ... BI can present with a spectrum of symptoms, ranging from neck pain ...
The best pillows for neck pain promote neutral spinal alignment, resulting in a more comfortable night's sleep. Here are our ...
Retroplacement and torsional manipulation of the globe during forced duction testing provide an exaggerated traction test of the oblique muscles, allowing graded evaluation of superior oblique and ...
Medical professionals raise concerns over the hidden dangers of chiropractic neck manipulations as new cases emerge.
A pulled (or strained) muscle could take a few days to feel better. Severe injury could take weeks to months. Find out what ...
If you're dealing with persistent neck pain or if it's accompanied by other worrisome symptoms like arm weakness, tingling, ...
Yoga can help relieve sciatica pain and even prevent it from returning, as it helps improve spinal alignment and release tension. Here are the poses that help the most.
The auricular muscles helped change the shape of the shell–or pinna–of the ear and helped humans living millions of years ago listen closely. They are still used by roughly 10 to 20 percent of ...