Directed by award-winning filmmaker Ava DuVernay, this film follows the pivotal Selma-to-Montgomery March of 1965. It ...
With Martin Luther King day coming up, it’s a good time to take time to remember a man who’s words touched lives and changed ...
CANDLELIGHT CONCERTS — The Beverly Ballroom, The Hotel Chalet, 92 Choo Choo Ave. Two shows by Listeso ensemble, Jan. 23: ...
MLK organized important parts of the Civil Rights Movement from New Orleans. Here's where he gave speeches, organized and ate ...
Martin Luther King, Jr. on his national holiday on Monday can take part in local MLK Day events. Utica City School ...
Mayor Tom Arceneaux and several city officials held an event on Friday, Jan. 17 to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King were the proud parents of four children. Yolanda Denise King, Martin Luther ...
As we celebrate Martin Luther King Day, let's reflect on how each of us can live our lives with a spirit of peace and unity.
Guests are encouraged to visit the National Civil Rights Museum during MLK Day, with activities honoring Dr. King.
The YMCA of South Florida kicked off its 21st annual Martin Luther King Jr. Inspirational Celebration, hosting events in Fort ...
Monday is a twofer on the nation’s agenda: the presidential inauguration and Martin Luther King Jr.’s federal holiday.