ABC15 is learning more about a Native man who was shot to death about four years ago in the same area where authorities found the body of 14-year-old Emily Pike on Highway 60 near Mile Marker 277.
Your to-do list is growing, but so is your need to rest. A part of you wants to push forward, be productive, and handle responsibilities, while another part craves stillness, quiet, and reflection ...
You must trust yourself, dearest Leo. The Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn occurs in your house of well-being and offers a profound time of reflection. This will involve what genuinely benefits ...
Today, you and your partner may experience a shared drive for a deeper, long-term connection in your relationship. Surrounded by a comforting and nurturing atmosphere, both partners will be able to ...
Assessing the future of a relationship? Venus retrograde aligns with Pluto to explore the potential of change in connection. A shift in perspective can be monumental. Challenge the beliefs that ...