The impact on the group of the intermittent Lebombo/Ressano Garcia border closures in the last quarter of 2024 was 4.4 million tons per year in volume and R200 million on headline earnings.
The Border Management Authority (BMA), established as the country’s third national armed law enforcement authority, is responsible for overseeing border security across ports of entry and borderland ...
and disruptions in regional economic activities as evidenced by the blockage of Lebombo border gate. Gender composition within the agricultural workforce remains a focal point. In the fourth ...
Ndumo’s history reveals the challenges of integrating biodiversity conservation with impoverished local communities’ needs, rights and values, and maintaining that conservation in remote regions where ...
Solutions require a regional commitment to the integrity of the border and security for locals ... including efforts to establish the Lebombo Transfrontier Conservation Area, which would include ...
On Dec. 9, South Africa's Border Management Authority temporarily suspended operations at the Lebombo Port of Entry due to election-related protests in Mozambique near the border area. The border ...
The top 10 ports-of-entry, which includes OR Tambo International Airport, Beitbridge, and Lebombo, accounted for 81% of all processed movements, highlighting the strategic importance of these border ...
There are 4 buses carrying these foreign nationals, these buses entered through Lebombo border gate in Mpumalanga Early this morning. The EFF alerted the police in Mpumalanga, the South African Police ...
Overall performance was impacted by lower commodity prices (except chrome), intermittent disruptions at the Lebombo / Ressano Garcia border and low container handling throughput. The impact of the ...