Also on Thursday, Laurel told reporters the Department of Agriculture will declare a food security emergency to allow the National Food Authority (NFA) to sell rice buffer stock to agencies.
Having a car unlocks the seemingly endless freedom of the open road — and the inevitability that something will eventually leave you stranded on the side of it, wishing you had an emergency car ...
Under Republic Act 12078 or the law amending the Agricultural Tariffication Act, the Agriculture Secretary has the power to declare a food security emergency on rice due to a supply shortage or ...
"Banyak keluarga yang menyebutnya sebagai rumah kedua mereka," kata Aasi. Menurut Dewan Hubungan Muslim Amerika (CAIR) Los Angeles seperti dikutip dari situsnya, diperkirakan ada 500.000 muslim yang ...
If driving * Turn your headlights on and drive slowly. * Watch for emergency services personnel and follow their directions. * If you cannot see clearly, pull over, keep your headlights and hazard ...
This simple tip could save your life: Make your emergency medical information and contact numbers visible on your locked phone. I've been contributing to PCMag since 2011 in a variety of ways.
Namun, seiring kemajuan astronomi, kita kini mengetahui bahwa di tata surya terdapat ratusan bulan, dan bahkan ada benda-benda langit lain yang mengorbit Bumi. Gábor Horváth, seorang astronom di ...
# As the public holiday falls on a Sunday or another public holiday, the next working day will be the public holiday in lieu.
Bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Sesungguhnya di surga ada suatu sungai yang bernama "Rajab". Warnanya lebih putih daripada susu dan rasanya lebih manis daripada madu. Barangsiapa berpuasa satu hari ...
2024 has been a down season for Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker T.J. Watt in terms of sacks. Going into Saturday’s game against the Cincinnati Bengals, Watt had 11.5 sacks and was well off pace ...
Helm kamu mana?” tanya Bripka Agus. "Tidak punya pak,” jawab pemotor. "Tidak punya? Wah sudah nggak punya helm, spion nggak ada, lampu sein nggak ada, knalpot brong. Mattin dulu,” ucap polisi.
Sehingga totalnya ada dua tanggal merah untuk libur Imlek 2025. Sebagai informasi, penetapan perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek sebagai hari libur nasional di Indonesia adalah berdasarkan Keputusan ...