German individual labour law is entirely employee protective law, i.e. its standards can generally not be waived to the detriment of the employee, whereas contractual regulations favouring the ...
For most of the last 20 years, the labor market reforms of ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder have ensured near-full employment in Germany. But the model is creaking ever more loudly, due to a broad-based ...
Germany - German Federal Labour Court On Discrimination In Overtime Bonuses. Legal News and Analysis - Germany - Labour & ...
"The weak economic situation is now leaving visible traces on the German labour market," German Labour Minister Hubertus Heil said on Friday. Disagreements among Germany's governing coalition over ...
Merz has pledged to tighten immigration controls, introducing a five-point plan that includes stricter border checks, entry ...
Planning and implementation of programs for the placement of skilled labor between Germany and the host countries in Southeast Asia. Coordination of partnerships between German clients and local ...
German Labour Minister Hubertus Heil and Brazilian Labour Minister Luiz Marinho signed a declaration of intent for “fair immigration” to promote the exchange of skilled workers. As part of an ...
In an interview with NTV on Monday, September 16, Diaspora Principal Secretary Roseline Njogu clarified that the figure mentioned by President Ruto refers to the size of the German labour market ...