King Norodom Sihanouk granted Ieng Sary a royal pardon in 1996, in exchange for leaving the Khmer Rouge. ECCC proceedings against him were dropped on March 14, 2013, the day he died. The sister-in ...
Thailand’s grief over Sarit’s death was in stark contrast to the ghoulish glee it provoked in neighboring Cambodia.Neutralist Prince Norodom Sihanouk long hated Sarit, whom he labeled a ...
Ponchaud’s 1977 book “Cambodge, année zero” was one of the first detailed accounts of the horrors that unfolded after the ...
Zhou advised Samphan to “move forward one small step at a time,” according to a memoir of Norodom Sihanouk, who was then Cambodia’s head of state. But Khmer Rouge leaders apparently ignored ...
CAMBODIA THE PRINCE AND THE PROPHECY explores the years ... destruction during the five years of war before Pol Pots Khmer Rouge came to power and launched their revolution As a central theme ...