The Role of Pyritization in Fossil Preservation Pyritization ... which reacts with iron in the surrounding sediment to form pyrite. “Pyrite forms today through the action of sulfate-reducing ...
Pyrite, known as 'Fool's Gold,' is a symbol of wealth and financial success. Believed to boost confidence, decision-making, and protection against financial negativity, it's used by many to ...
Scientists discovered a 15-million-year-old fish fossil, Ferruaspis brocksi. It has preserved stomach contents and visible ...
Blood test results showed that Ryan had iron deficiency anaemia. Looking back, there had been other signs. Despite regularly working out, Ryan had suddenly started to feel winded on routine hikes.
Discovered in the McGraths Flat fossil site in New South Wales, Australia, the new fossil is a freshwater smelt belonging to the order Osmerifiromes, the first of its kind to be found in Australia.
Now they've also uncovered something even older - evidence of what could be the earliest making and use of iron. Present-day Turkey is one of the earliest known regions where iron was mined ...
At White Sands, we found drag-marks made by the ends of wooden poles while excavating for fossil footprints. Sometimes these appear as just one trace, while at other times they occur as two ...
Oil and gas giant BP has again slashed its renewable energy investment and announced more funding for greater fossil fuel production. In a further row back of climate targets the company has said ...
Recently our research team discovered some remarkable fossil traces which might give a hint. These traces were found alongside some of the oldest known human footprints in the Americas at a place ...
The investor environment has also been transformed by the re-election of U.S. President Donald Trump, a climate sceptic and advocate of fossil fuels. Pressure has become intense on BP after ...