Karnataka High Court has stayed the investigation and proceedings into an SC/ST atrocities case booked against Infosys co-founder Senapathy Kris Gopalakrishnan and 15 others. Justice S R Krishna Kumar ...
A former assistant professor has accused several senior members of IISc of targeting him because he belongs to the Dalit community & misusing the govt funds for SC/ST academic scholars.
Though AI-driven company IT spend may favor Unisys, it lags behind key peers like Accenture and Infosys in fundamental ...
BENGALURU: Rohan Murty, the founder of The Murty Classical Library of India (MCLI), dreams of a future where generations of Indians grow up cherishing classical ...
BI's takeaways and memorable moments from Davos, including 'FOBO' — fear of becoming obsolete — and how a CEO traded the ...
Launched in 2016 by the BJP-led government after the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) -- a Reserve Bank of India ...
According to Edward Morgan Forster, an English novelist and short story writer, men seem to have been allotted failure and ...
UKIBC highlighted India's resilience as one of the fastest-growing economies, attributing its strength to strong domestic ...
Despite increased awareness about mental health, obesity and sedentary lifestyle, why, dear young executives, do you refuse ...
Aravind Ayyagari's journey stands as testimony to the power of passion, resilience, and commitment toward continuous growth.
Pongal in Tamil Nadu is the time during which people in several other parts of India serenade the late winter winds by flying ...