M federal transportation grant for Akron Innerbelt project is under review by Trump administration. Mayor Shammas Malik is ...
Watch out for that bat behind you,” warned Luca Messina, a civil engineer who moonlights as a speleo-archaeologist with ...
Oklahoma is full of diverse geography and culture, and a recent list highlighted unique towns the state has to offer.
The city council is implementing its BikeWalkOKC plan, which recommends new bike lanes on key east-west corridors.
If you are new to the world of AI travel planners, here are a few that may appeal to certain types of human travel planners.
If nights spend rubbing shoulders with celebrities in Hollywood or the days spent strolling the Sunset Strip have you worn out, then it’s time to leave Tinsel Town for a few days and take a […] ...
The City of Ankeny is holding a public open house on Monday evening to share ideas for revitalizing a vital part of the community. The city started a revitalization plan for ...
Grow vining crops on trellises. Peas, melons, pole beans, and cucumbers will all grow up fences, arbors, and other trellises.
Opportunistic credit firm Strategic Value Partners agreed to acquire a City of London property at a discount of about 60% from the initial asking price, highlighting the huge decline in value for ...
The Virginia Beach Parks & Recreation is asking for community feedback on new plans for a park at Rudee Loop. Take survey Three design concepts: The Dune ...
Why Alloy Development, Neutral, and Onx are among Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies in urban development and real ...
How climate-friendly is the urban development in your municipality? A new tool helps planners compare alternatives.