Combined deals for controversial rental properties owned by corporate landlords works out to $385,000 per single-family home.
Four Nevada cities are named in the top 100 rental markets to keep an eye on in 2025, but why may be complicated.
A mother of seven is sharing how a Las Vegas nonprofit helped her learn what it takes to become a first-time ...
Exclusive: The renter, who listed the apartment on Airbnb, told The Independent that he didn’t intend to come off as violent ...
Taking people off the cold streets is all Merideth Spriggs of Caridad Charity wants to do. But she explains they’re out of ...
The city of Las Vegas is offering lead-hazard assessment and remediation in older homes with small children within city ...
Fourteen first-time lawmakers join the 21-member Senate and 42-member Assembly in the next session of the Nevada Legislature ...
Though Miami continues to be the cheapest location to rent a car when looking at a tax-inclusive cost for a week, Las Vegas falls into last place when considering the total weekly bill.
In both the New Orleans attack and the Las Vegas explosion outside of the Trump hotel, the same app was used to rent the cars.
Exclusive: The renter, who listed the apartment on Airbnb, told The Independent that he didn’t intend to come off as violent ...
As the nation grapples with a deepening housing crisis, Nevada, and particularly Las Vegas, has been significantly impacted.
The ex-girlfriend of Gavin Maloof who is accused in a gold-digging plot to steal close to half a million dollars from the Las ...