Poland's President Andrzej Duda and First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda have sent greetings to members of their country’s ...
Howard Levitt is senior partner of Levitt LLP, employment and labour lawyers with offices in Ontario, Alberta and British ...
I am also a man of faith, of Jewish faith, and as such, could not comprehend the [nativity] Scene as I saw it in the media.
In this quaint Deerfield Valley town, the spirit of Hanukkah was brought to life last Thursday with a grand public menorah ...
Polish Catholics and Jews come together at the Catholic University of Lublin to celebrate the Jewish Feast of Lights, ...
Tobin Bridge Chabad, in partnership with Temple Emmanuel and the Walnut Street Synagogue, held a Menorah Lighting Ceremony on ...
"Chamish Hakunach gach!" and "Cheag Sameach" branches of the UK and Irish government wished Jewish communities celebrating ...