Traditional theories on modernization suggested that globalization would lead to a convergence of cultural and social values, particularly regarding personal rights and freedoms, the authors ...
Four effects of globalization on the lives of young people are discussed below in more detail; the distribution of employment opportunities, migration, youth culture and consumerism, and global ...
Rada inquires about the potential benefits and drawbacks of a common global language, highlighting that while it could ...
In the environmental dimension, soft power promotes sustainable production, such as using natural materials for making ...
Globalization is the big story of our era. It is shaping not just economies, but societies, polities, and international relations. Many assume it is also, for good or ill, an unstoppable force.
Why China and Globalization? First, China has been a global culture throughout history, one that has been integrally connected with the rest of the world from the earliest periods through to today.
The purpose of this theme was to generate new research designed to better understand the dynamic process of trade and globalization in developing countries, to learn what works and what doesn’t, and ...
streaming services like Netflix and Disney+ are proving to be potent vehicles for globalization in media, breaking down linguistic and cultural barriers in unprecedented ways.
The data are much more comparable, and the culture and institutions are also much more similar, for different regions within a country than they are across countries. In that spirit, we decided to ...
In the face of a sluggish world economic recovery, the rising threat of protectionism, and the widening gap between the rich and the poor, discussions around economic globalization are increasing ...
The hosts explore the tension between inclusivity and the preservation of unique community identities in an increasingly globalized society.