While the live-action threequel follows Sonic Adventure 2's story beats and broad narrative brushstrokes, one of the key ...
Gerald Robotnik and Eggman Dancing, also known as Two Robotniks Dancing and Two Eggmen Dancing, refers to a scene from the ...
Since Gerald doesn’t create Shadow in the movies, as he’s an alien from another planet like all the anthropomorphic animals ...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is heavily based on the events of the 2001 Dreamcast game Sonic Adventure 2. The live-action movie doesn ...
In an interview with ComicBook, director Jeff Fowler reveals why he decided to have Gerald alive and well in the present.
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 is bringing back the comedic genius of Jim Carrey. The film series, which began in 2020, has quickly gained a huge fan following.
The actor plays villain Dr. Robotnik and Gerald Robotnik in the upcoming sequel, zooming into theaters on Dec. 20. By Carly Thomas Associate Editor The veteran actor, who has stepped back from ...
The game will be released on October 25, and preorder bonuses include 'Gerald Robotnik's Journal Detailing Shadow's Creation' alongside a 'Sonic Adventure Legacy Skin'. If you want to see what ...