The data sets are available as a tab-delimited text file (txt file). This file can be opened by many different spreadsheet programs (such as Excel). To obtain a copy of the file: Right-click on the ...
Below is a list of resources helpful in completing the lab assignments for CHEM 205. If you need help in using these resources, please contact the chemistry librarian. In your lab, you are asked to ...
Welcome to the General Chemistry Lecture Demonstration website. Here you will be provided with procedures to create and explain the demostrations available from the General Chemistry Staff. This ...
In chemistry, as in other sciences, courses build on each other; therefore, it is important to begin early. Most students (but not all) take general chemistry and calculus in their first year. The ...
“Chandler came to see me one day when he was in my general chemistry class,” recalls the Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry. “He said he had missed the last quiz or two because he ...
This course is ideal for incoming students who want to strengthen their general chemistry knowledge while ensuring eligibility for higher-level coursework. Its online format makes it accessible and ...
Build a strong foundation in general chemistry, general biology, physical, and organic chemistry and choose electives in biochemistry, biotechnology, chemistry or health.
Chemistry is a branch of science that involves the study of the composition, structure and properties of matter. Often known as the central science, it is a creative discipline chiefly concerned ...
Recommended for students interested in the Biomedical Engineering Minor IPHY 3410 Intro to Human Anatomy (3) CHEN 1201 General Chemistry for Engineers (4) CHEN 1211 Accelerated Chemistry for Engineers ...
General Chemistry I and II, CHEM 11a and 11b or CHEM 15a and 15b General Chemistry Laboratory I and II, CHEM 18a and 18b or CHEM 19a and 19b Organic Chemistry I and II, CHEM 25a and 25b Organic ...