Dijous l’ANC del Vallès Oriental em va convidar a la Garriga a moderar una taula rodona sobre el municipalisme i el procés d’independència. En la taula rodona els organitzadors havien convidat el batl ...
El noi, de 21 anys i molt introvertit, va dir al seu germà bessó que, mentre ell passejava les gosses, se n'anava a fer un ...
L’establiment, ubicat al número 6 del carrer Sobrerroca des del 1960, abaixarà la persiana entre l’abril i el maig si la seva actual responsable no troba relleu ...
El Museu de l’Art Prohibit el trobareu a la Casa Garriga Nogués El Museu de l’Art Prohibit, el primer del món que mostra obres censurades S’hi poden veure 42 obres d’art d’arreu del món que han estat ...
University of Alabama athletic director Greg Byrne floated a possible idea on how to stop students and fans from storming the court after major wins. Students and fans celebrate big wins ...
The National Football League was hit with an antitrust lawsuit by two fans who claim the league has refused to allow its teams to join Bluesky, according to multiple reports. Patrick Brown ...
Tubi offers an extensive horror film library for free, catering to both classic and indie fans. Tubi includes niche distributor films and buzzy indie horrors, catering to a wide range of horror ...
And his statement has upset not only Allen but the audience as well. Many fans of the show have taken to Reddit to express their frustration and David and Madison’s betrayal of their respective ...
The placement of the billboard, taking up real estate in Reese's city, sparked reaction from fans on social media due to the contentious history between the players. Many of Clark's fans have used ...
Ector County Commissioners have voted to put a measure on the May 2025 ballot to create fire and EMS services for ...
De l’article de Josep Sunyol i Garriga (Barcelona, 1898-Madrid, 1936) publicat ara fa 95 anys com una declaració editorial en ...