Sustainable fishing policies passed in the 1970s have backfired in rural Native villages, where many family-run boats have ...
The bill would require designated seats on the seven-member board to represent commercial, sport, and subsistence sectors, ...
The proposed dredging operation in Safety Sound near Nome is ‘contrary to responsible land management’ and the public ...
A UConn grad is navigating the complexities of history, regulation, and climate change in the push to restore Indigenous ...
AVCP and Tanana Chiefs Conference, along with the City of Bethel, claimed that recent groundfish harvest management in the ...
Staff cuts at the National Weather Service could interrupt forecasts across the country. It'll particularly affect Alaska, experts say, where there is already a lower density of weather monitoring.
Tune in to hear about the contributions of Athabascan elder Katie John, Chickasaw aviator Eula Pearl Carter Scott and other notable Native women.
King Cove residents argue that an 11-mile road through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge — linking them to Cold Bay’s ...
Alaska, with its surreal landscapes, abundant wildlife and unique culture, offers a one-of-a-kind cruising experience.