Edible Brands, Edible Arrangements’ parent company, is taking the language of gift-giving in a decidedly higher direction.
The parent company of Edible Arrangements is getting into another kind of edibles — and it has to do with THC-infused hemp ...
The company known for its festive fruit baskets just launched a new website for hemp-derived, THC-infused beverages and ...
Edible Brands, the parent company of Edible Arrangements, announced the launch of Edibles.com this week. With that came the ...
It sounds like an early April Fools’ Day joke, but Edible Arrangements parent company Edible Brands has just launched a ...
On March 20, Edibles.com launched for customers in Texas, but there are plans to expand rapidly in the Southeast, including ...
The parent company of Edible Arrangements is moving into a different kind of edible. Edible Brands is launching Edibles.com, ...
Edible Brands, parent of Edible Arrangements, launches an e-commerce hub for hemp-derived drinks and gummies, with retail to ...
Edible Brands, the company behind Edible Arrangements, is making a bold move into the cannabis space. Its new marketplace, ...
ATLANTA — Inman Park is getting a new shop later this summer, and there are already high expectations. Edible Brands, the ...
State lawmakers are considering changing marijuana laws to restrict edible products’ serving size and packaging.“What we did ...