Becker Pond Dam is scheduled for removal in November. The estimated cost has grown by hundreds of thousands of dollars since ...
The Department of Natural Resources is currently working with an outside consultant to determine what modifications should be ...
While legislation addressing the matter is not specific to southern Indiana, two dams in Floyd County—the Blackiston Mill Dam ...
These risks and the loss of freshwater supplies are some of the reasons the United Nations declared 2025 the International ...
In legal filings, the Indiana DNR says the fill continues to adversely restrict the floodway, impact fish and wildlife, and ...
To reduce carbon emission, energy transition from fossil fuel to green energy, India has taken decision to have renewable ...
BLOUNT COUNTY, Tenn. — Two anglers were pulled to safety after they were trapped at the Rockford Dam in Blount County Wednesday afternoon, stuck in the low-head dam's recirculating current.