The busy stretch of two-lane road right off of Interstate 16 is being resurfaced towards the Chatham County line and that ...
The closures are part of a multi-year plan to expand 23 miles of the interstate from four to six lanes and reconfigure several of its interchanges.
BLOOMINGDALE, Ga. (WTOC) - The City of Bloomingdale recently signed a contract with Reeves Construction to resurface Little ...
The Village of Savoy will hold a drop-in open house on the Curtis Road underpass project from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the ...
MILAN, Ill. (KWQC) - Project teams from around the Quad Cities will be holding an open house public information meeting in April. The meeting will provide input on potential alternatives and ...
Interstate lanes will be closed at night once construction begins. Preliminary work will begin on Monday. The ...
Those who live in or drive through Black Creek and Shiocton can learn more about construction coming to highways 47 and 54 at ...