Elon Musk keeps trying to stick his “joke” about somebody assassinating Vice President Kamala Harris. Over the weekend, Musk ...
He had an adjustable wrench in one hand and a smile on his face. His church, Brushy Fork Baptist, had very nearly been destroyed Friday by a torrent of flood water raging down the mountain after ...
[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/1937182082" params="color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts ...
So don’t wait to clean your fan or AC until next summer, when the sweltering heat is overbearing. Instead, clean it now, before you store your AC or fan for the cooler months. If you live in ...
Growing up as a kid, I guess my mom would make the joke that the swimming pool is our church," he said. (12:25) Nicole Phelps also spoke in the same line about the higher power but not knowing ...
When asked “what can’t he do,” Donna had no qualms answering. “He can’t clean, he can’t cook,” she said with a laugh. “No, he’s getting a little better. I think he’s getting ...
When asked "what can't he do," Donna had no qualms answering. "He can't clean, he can't cook," she said with a laugh. "No, he's getting a little better. I think he's getting some help. I don't ...
Flooding Clean Up in Church Stretton After Horrendous Flooding Overnight Map shows where 65 flood warnings are in place across UK - is your area at risk? What is bowel cancer? Early symptoms and ...