In a shocking incident in Jaipur an 75-year-old retired Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer was allegedly assaulted by a bus conductor for refusing to pay ₹10 extra for the ticket.
Lim Kimya, a former lawmaker for the dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), was gunned down on Tuesday by a motorcyclist as he arrived in Bangkok by bus from Cambodia with his French wife.
Watch this incredible pressure wash in action as a dirty blue bus gets a complete transformation! Thick layers of dust and ...
On Thursday a neighbor sent her a photo. In the background was the bus, still blue and white and not at all damaged. “I freaked out,” she said. “I was in the bathroom, and I screamed.” ...
LOS ANGELES -- Preston Martin figured the retro blue Volkswagen bus he slept in for a year during college was a goner, given that he parked it in a Malibu neighborhood just before the Palisades ...
She said the team behind the Big Blue Bus reached out to her after Detroit’s NFC North Victory. “We were super excited when they contacted us earlier this week to bring it to the Cultural Center.