Yes, the Yankees have a literal genius MIT Physicist, Lenny (who is the man), on payroll. He invented the “Torpedo” barrel. It brings more wood - and mass - to where you most often make contact as a ...
The baseball world was quick to notice the oddly-shaped bats some Yankees players were using amid their blowout win against ...
The Yankees aren't breaking any rules and they apparently even have an MIT physicist on their payroll who created the 'Torpedo' barrel to bring more mass to where hitters most often make contact. The ...
The second game of the new season saw the New York Yankees put up a historic offensive performance. The Yankees blew out the ...
The second game of the new season saw the New York Yankees put up a historic offensive performance. The Yankees blew out the ...
The bottom line in each post is that the Pinstripers' new bats feature a revised profile. It moves the fatter part of the bat closer to the grip, in effect moving the sweet spot closer to where the ...