For 150 years, people have tried to decipher mysterious symbols written by an advanced civilization believed to rival ancient ...
This ancient script has remained unsolved for over a century ... is real—and was found in an ancient shipwreck These ancient Greek weapons were literally toxic These ancient Greek weapons ...
The Byzantine Greeks are a nation that is very often misunderstood for a number of historical and political reasons.
Famously, the Rosetta Stone, written in both Egyptian and Greek, made it possible to decode ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. There are as many as 676 unique symbols in Indus script, but a recent ...
The seal of Afghanistan's Bank depicts an image from an ancient Greek coin and is overlaid on every banknote of the Central ...
The Greek document details a court case in ancient Palestine involving tax fraud and provides insight into trial preparations in the Roman Empire ...
The head of a griffin from 7th century B.C. is believed to have been taken from a museum in Olympia in the 1930s and later ...