Livestock experts typically recommend that dogs and goats be kept apart. Dogs are predators while goats are prey animals. So, ...
Now meet Smokey Bear, an Anatolian Shepherd who "protects" the livestock for Our Little Blue Farmhouse in Tennessee. Sarah ...
If your dog is sluggish, unmotivated, or is suddenly ignoring your training cues, make sure to schedule a vet visit to rule ...
Get all the details: Homeward Bound Animal Shelter Pet Calendar Contest. He's Great Pyrenees/Anatolian Shepherd mix who would do great watching after farm animals. Geno is a three-year-old 'gentle ...
Friends pet Walter, a 7-year-old Great Pyrenees and Anatolian Shepherd mix, at a Little Thistle Brewing meet and greet on Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025, in Rochester. Walter is in the running for ...
We’re unable to load this content right now. There are three dogs in this herd: Leroy (a Great Pyrenees), Kaan, and Kedi (Anatolian Shepherds). All of them love the animals they protect, and they both ...
Whether you need an independent protector like the Kangal, a gentle giant like the Great Pyrenees, or an ancient warrior like the Tibetan Mastiff, each breed offers unmatched security. Apart from ...
Great Pyrenees The Great Pyrenees is a majestic breed known for ... Activities like walking or hiking can help keep them fit and mentally stimulated. 6. Anatolian Shepherd The Anatolian Shepherd is a ...
Anatolian Shepherds are renowned for their protective instincts ... Their intelligence and trainability enable farmers to rely on them for various tasks. Great Pyrenees. Image by Hansuan Fabre via ...