A SUNY Geneseo professor will give a talk at Finger Lakes Community College on the past and future of the region’s oak ...
As spring rolls in, you may want to start planning the kinds of trees you'll want to plant in your yard. There are 11 ...
The nonprofit Apache Stronghold has argued its religious freedom case all the way to the highest court in the land. On Friday, the nine justices are meeting in conference once again, and an answer may ...
As the BLM opens the public comment period on Redhawk's Copper Creek project, community groups are organizing to protect to ...
Singing frogs are looking for love. Sweet sap is flowing from the maple trees. Striking migratory birds are returning to ...
5.V0 other American trees, both Brazilian ... A mere infant by the side of the Avington tree is the Great Oak of Pleischwitz, near Breslau, whose age is reckoned by G ppert at 700 years.
At the Tamarack Marketplace just outside Beckley, a towering pin oak faced a grim future. With a hollowed-out core, the fate of this magnificent tree was hanging by a branch. A weak structural ...
The brick streets downtown are lined with cute shops and restaurants. You can almost hear the clip-clop of horses from the ...
From food to public parks, hotels, history and the experiences you can enjoy here, we take a look at five great reasons to ...
Dahlonega somehow became the heart of Georgia’s wine country, with vineyards draping the surrounding hillsides and tasting rooms offering mountain views with your Cabernet. The gold mining history is ...
Restoring oaks make our communities more resilient to wildfire and drought,” said Sara Evans-Peters, who promotes healthy ...
Oak and pecan tree saplings are being given away by Cass-Morgan Farm Bureau through a partnership with Living Lands & Waters, ...