India's Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) on Thursday (May 30) said they have detained an air hostess for allegedly smuggling nearly one kilogram of gold from Muscat to Kannur by hiding it ...
Kasaragod’s gold smuggling network exploits women, leading to severe physical and mental trauma. Immediate legal action is ...
A female flight attendant and another man have been arrested for allegedly trying to smuggle nearly $500,000 (£368,580) in foreign exchange out of India, revenue officials said. The woman was on ...
(Image: PTI/ANI) New Delhi, January 10: Deveshi Kulshrestha, a Jet Airways air hostess arrested for smuggling Rs 3.34 crore ... the money was used to buy gold, which was later channelled to ...
Customs Officers at IGI Airport, Delhi. Recently, caught an IndiGo flight 6E-64 passenger from Jedda for gold smuggling in a ...
The customs officials have arrested the air hostess after disembarking from a flight coming from Abu Dhabi. Upon searching ...
In yet another smuggling scandal involving the Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), an air hostess was caught attempting to smuggle dozens of high-value mobile phones into the country on a ...
An air hostess from Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has been arrested for smuggling mobile phones into the country. Customs officials at Lahore Airport claimed to have found the phones in ...
A passenger on Air India flight AI 992 ... of approximately 1,096.76 grams of gold, valued at around Rs 69,16,169. The passenger confessed to smuggling the gold from Jeddah, leading to his arrest ...